This 2-day course looks at synergies between ISO 27001 information security and ISO 31000 risk management and how they can work in tandem to benefit your organisation.
More businesses are having their eyes opened to the importance of information security and having the correct procedures in place should an incident take place. ISO 31000 Risk Management and ISO 27001 Information Security Management are the perfect combination to help your business create a reliable and effective method of securing your systems and data.
ISO 31000 focusses on risk management guidelines and is designed to help you implement them into all areas of your business.
ISO 27001 is an internationally recognised framework that helps you manage the security of information in whatever form it is held and how it is transferred through your business. In essence, ISO 27001 helps you identify risks, reassures clients and improves your reputation.
This 2-day course introduces you to ISO 31000 and ISO 27001 and how implementing them into your business can create an improved defence to reduce the risk of information security breaches.
What will you be covering?
- The purpose of a risk management system
- The role it plays in creating an effective Information Security Management System
- The benefits
- Implementing an effective risk management system
- Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle
No prior knowledge is essential to attend this session.
No prior knowledge is required to attend this session. It’s the ideal course for those who are involved in the implementation and monitoring of their company’s management systems.